At least 15-30 minutes before the performance starts – or earlier if you would like to have a drink in one of the theatre’s licensed bars.
Live theatre has a ‘lock-out’ policy; a period after the curtain goes up when late-comers are not permitted to enter the auditorium. Lock-out periods are set by the production and vary from show to show. Patrons arriving late will not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance.
Please only bring handbags and satchels that are smaller than an A4 piece of paper to the theatre. Due to security requirements, you will be asked to show the contents of your bags to theatre staff. Larger items must be left in our Cloak Room.
We want you to feel comfortable when you come to our place so we have complied a few tips to make your visit memorable.
Many people dress up for the theatre to make it a special occasion, but smart casual is fine as well.
Take the Eddy Avenue exit and cross Belmore Park to the intersection. Walk past Gloria Jean's to the front of the building - it’s a five minute walk.
Whilst you are welcome to bring snacks and soft drinks with you to the theatre, we do not allow patrons to take external alcohol, hot food or beverages, strong smelling food or any form of glass into the auditorium, including glass water bottles. Our theatre bars provide a wide range of refreshments that you are able to take into the auditorium and consume during the show.
Our box office is located within the theatre foyers and is open two hours before the show to allow you to collect your tickets. You will need to provide identification and present the credit card used to purchase the tickets.
We welcome any feedback that you may have. Please e-mail your feedback including the date and time you attended the theatre.
The seating in the theatre is raked for excellent sight lines to the stage. We have booster cushions available from our cloakroom for small children free of charge.
For closer seating to the Stage we recommend sitting in the front of the Stalls. The distance between the centre seat in the specified row and stage (measured from the safety curtain) is: Stalls, Row AA = approximately 6 metres Stalls, Row D = approximately 12 metres Stalls, Row H = approximately 16 metres Dress Circle, Row A = approximately 19.5 metres Stalls seating starts to gradually incline from Row B right to the back of the Stalls. Patrons will be at eye level with the Stage at around Row E-G.
Purchase tickets in any location in the Stalls and there will only be a few stairs to negotiate. Our Ushers are also very helpful, so please ask them for assistance.
We suggest parking at Market City Car Park. You can validate your ticket at the Box Office for a special parking rate. Find out more and plan your trip.
We understand that each child is different and parental discretion is advised. Each show has an age recommendation so we suggest visiting the show page to find out more.
Show duration varies from show to show. For the exact running time of the show you are attending, please visit the production information page accessible from the WHAT'S ON tab.
Yes, accredited service dogs are allowed to enter the theatre. Please make sure you bring accreditation proof with you to the theatre as our ushers will need to sight this before allowing entry. Service dogs must remain on the floor at all times.
Mobile Delivery ticketing is like Print-at-Home tickets but instead of having to print off the tickets yourself, you can just show the ticket barcode on your mobile phone. For more information about Mobile tickets, visit our Tickets page.
Sometimes, Captioned or Auslan Interpreted performances are arranged via productions that come to our theatre. Information about these performances is usually listed each show page on our website, or you can request this information by emailing us.
Sometimes, Audio Described performances are arranged via productions that come to our theatre. Information about these performances is usually listed each show page on our website, or you can request this information by emailing us.
Yes, items handed into our Lost Property department are recorded and registered. If you have lost something within our theatre, please email us and we will make every effort to locate your lost item.
Children under the age of 16 cannot attend on their own and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Tickets to all Capitol Theatre shows can be made online through Ticketmaster or by calling 1300 558 878 and selecting option 1.
Group bookings are available on most performances. To make a group booking please email Ticketmaster Group Bookings.
Due to their location, some seats have a better view than others. Restricted view seats mean that at some points, you may not be able to see certain parts of the stage usually not directly related to the plot. You can view the view of the stage from your section by taking a virtual tour of the theatre.
Capitol Class packages can be collected from the Capitol Class counter in the theatre foyer from 1.5 hours before the show starts. Drinks and Choc Top Ice Cream vouchers can be redeemed at any of the theatre bars before the show and during interval. We recommend you arrive about 30 minutes early to collect your items.
Royal Box packages can be collected from main bar on the Dress Circle level.
Each Production has their own exchange and refund policy. Please check the relevant show page for their currently policy.
Everyone attending must have a ticket, including children sitting on your lap under the age of two (a ‘babe-in-arms’ ticket is usually free and can be obtained from our box office on the day of the performance). Some shows are not suitable for small children; please check the show page find out the babe-in-arm policy and age recommendation for the show that you are attending. If your child becomes unsettled, they will need to be taken out to the foyer so as not to disrupt the performance.